Pink Waterproof Jacket - £15 race for life Trainers - £20 Sports Direct Grey & White Running Tights - £24.99 Puma via Sports Direct Green & Black Tights - £19.99 Puma via Sports Direct As I've recently began training for the race for life (sponsor me here), I've been buying more running clothes. I shouldn't say this but wearing nice clothes definitely makes it a bit easier and I know that i'll stick with it if I buy things for it! I tend to go to Sports Direct for my clothes since they sell lots of brands so I have a lot of choice. I also love Primark's work-out clothes, but usually find it difficult to get my size. I usually go for bright clothes, I currently have bright yellow trainers but I'm thinking of getting the blue and pink ones pictures above too. I really need to get a waterproof jacket too since the weather is so unpredictable in lovely Scotland. This one is from the Race for Life shop and is exactly what I'm looking for, and the fact that all profits go to cancer research is just a bonus.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.