I've always been a massive fan of buying and selling things on e-bay, I set up my account in 2012 and have been addicted ever since. I know people who have never bought anything from e-bay because they don't trust paypal etc. but it's very rare to have problems. As long as you keep an eye on your account for any unexplained charges (fraud) then it's so safe. Here's a few steps to get you started: 1. Download the app. I find the app makes it so easy to uploading items to sell because you can just snap the pictures on your phone and upload them instantly - just make sure that the pictures are clear. 2. Declare any faults or marks on the item Now it's usually clothes that I sell on e-bay so I'll always makes sure that the buyer know of any marks or problems with the item. You wouldn't want to receive something in an unexpected condition so be clear! 3.Timing Having the auction end on a Sunday should create more interest in your item since it is a time that more people are on-line and browsing, so be sure when you set up the auction that it ends at an appropriate time and not 10.30 on a Monday morning when very few people will be active! I've also got to admit that I have bought loads from Hong-Kong and China before, it's mostly been jewellery that was super cheap, and although it takes a few weeks to arrive the quality has always been good. CLICK HERE to have a look at the item's that I currently have for sale.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.