Unbreable Kimmy Schmidt is the newly released Netflix original series. It stars Ellie Kemper as Kimmy who is a 29 year old who has been living underground in an apocalypse cult. After she is rescued she moves to New York where she tries to settle in. She moves in with Titus - an aspiring actor, played by Tituss Burgess, who kind of coaches her through her new life. Jane Krakowski plays her new employer as well as a mother and stepmother who is going through a rocky relationship with her absent husband. Ellie plays Kimmy so well, she's very curious and fun without it being in any way awkard.
I wasn't sure what I'd think of this series but I'm really enjoying it! If you're a fan of Newgirl, The Mindy Project and suburgatory then I'd recommend giving it a watch, it's a very upbeat show that's easy to watch. So far there is one series with 13 episodes - it also looks like a second series is confirmed.
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