These are a few of my essentials that I cannot live without. Most of these are things that I buy on a regular (ish) basis so that I NEVER run out.
Wilkinsons Sensitive Shaving gel - 95p I've been using this for years and have never had any reaction to it what-so-ever so it's became my go-to shaving gel. Since I epilate my legs I don't go through very much of this so it lasts for ages
Sensitive Facial Cleansing wipes - I can't find these on the website but they'll be in store I can't rave about these wipes enough. I haven't been using these for long but I'll use them to remove my make-up before cleansing, but they always take off every scrap of make-up, including my eye make-up! I picked these up originally because I was out of both micellar water and cotton wool and wanted a quick fix.
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer - £4.19 I've mentioned this before in my posts so you might already know that this is my go to every-day concealer. I've used it for years and I usually repurchase when it's on offer. It has won awards in the past and I know that a lot of bloggers use or have used this in the past, which just confirms it's legendary greatness. Mitchum Powder Fresh Deodorant - £2.99 This deo pretty much just does the job that a good deodorant should! It smells nice and keeps me fresh, what more could I want? Soap and Glory Mist You Madly Body Spray - £6.50 I like to keep this in my bag and it's just kind of habit to always repurchase this when there's none left! Tealights So I'm not very fussy about what brand these are but I've got to have some candles on the go at all times. I use these with my wax-tart burner. I'll usually buy them from Primark as its a big(ish) pack for something like £2. Although Wilkinsons also do a massive bag of either 100 or 200 candles, I can't actually remember and it's about £2 as well! The Wilkinsons ones aren't scented but it's hard to complain when it's such great value.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.