I first got this in a glossybox last summer and fell in love with the colour instantly. It's a bright coral-ly red that looks amazing with a tan! These bright colours suit my complexion much better. I actually keep on losing this lipstick and keep having to buy it again, drives me crazy! The range is available at House of Fraser, lookfanastic.com and their own website. Avon COLORTREND - poppylove £3.75 This lipstick has the same tones as the bellapierre lipstick, but at a fraction of the price. It also has spf15 in it which is so important for the summer! It's a great non-commitment lipstick since it's so cheap so why not give it a go. Rimmel Apocalips Lip Velvet - orangeology £6.49 After buying a a few of the original apocalips, I didn't take much swaying to try the matte version of them. The colour is so rich and (strangely) feels really nice on the lips - a bit like velvet I guess. I couldn't actually find a link for this particular colour anywhere but any boots or superdrug should stock it! Maybeline Superstay bold matte - fire coral £8.99 This was my go to colour last summer and I can't wait to wear it again this year once I get a bit of a tan. The colour lasts for ages and ages! The only downfall about it is that it can go quite bitty on your lips.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.