It was only recently that I noticed my upper lip hair, I'm not sure if it has actually gotten any darker than before or if I can notice it more because I have absolutely no tan but I just had to do something about it.
I decided that bleaching was my best option since I didn't want to actually remove the hair (the main reason being that I'm slightly scared it'll go wrong and I'll end up with a full on thick moustache... ).
The packaging is the only thing about this product that put me off, I feel that it's quite old fashioned and could do with a modern day spruce up to become more physically appealing.
The product however worked perfectly, I'd read a few bad reviews about it but I left it on for 10 minutes and was dark hair free!
The only problem was mixing the two powder and creme because the tray is flat but you could easily get round that by using another tray.
The product can also be re-used on different areas (in one session) for example on arms and then eyebrows so is very economical too!
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.